Thursday, December 5, 2013

New OTT officers installed

Steve McCaskey in his role of OTT President installing
Kristin Stair and Ryan Foor.
Las Vegas, NV. – December 5, 2013. At the Annual OTT Meeting held in Las Vegas on December 3-4, new officers were installed to begin service in executive roles in 2014. Dr. Sally E. Arnett-Hartwick, currently service as OTT President-Elect was installed as President. Dr. Arnett-Hartwick was not able to attend the meeting as she is in maternity leave. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) at Illinois State University since Fall 2013.  She also serves as the FCS Teacher Education Coordinator for the department and teaches courses in FCS teacher education. She earned her B.S. degree from Illinois State University in Home Economics Education and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in Workforce Education and Development.

Kristin Stair, currently serving as OTT Secretary was installed as President-Elect for the 2014 term. Dr. Stair is Assistant Professor in the Agricultural and Extension Education Department at New Mexico State University.  She earned her B.S. in Agricultural Information Science and Education from Mississippi State University and taught high school agriculture in North Carolina before completing her M.S. in Agricultural Education and her PhD in Agricultural Education at North Carolina State University.

Further, recognizing the need to enhance internal OTT communication and visibility in the field, the office of Communications Director was created to help with related supports and strategies. Dr. Ryan Foor was installed to serve as Communications Director in 2014. Dr. Foor is

an Assistant Professor and is the Director for Graduate Studies in the Department of Agricultural Education at Arizona State University.  He taught high school agriculture for five years in Iowa before going to The Ohio State University for graduate where he earned his master and doctoral degrees in Agricultural and Extension Education.

Congratulations to Drs. Arnett-Hartwick, Stair, and Foor for their installation into new executive OTT roles.